

Wasn't she dating Cara Delevingne?

Secret show for L.A., I'm guessing.

They shouldn't have kept inserting Benny into all the shots.

Variety reports they were clashing with Kennedy, and that she didn't like the way they interacted with the cast or something. I dunno. This is such bullshit.

I have met them both and concur with your assessment.

Good! More for me! :D

What confused you?

Adulting is the wooorst.

Hope your mom will be okay. I haven't had a chance to get to the new Guardians ride yet, so I'd love to hear about it!

Not too bad. Spent most of my day off Friday catching up on sleep lost when I was on prednisone and awake all the damn time, then spent Saturday visiting my dad. His wife's sisters are visiting and they wanted to go out for the day, so he and I spent the day relaxing. He did have a moment of lucidity where he

Saw Wonder Woman again. Enjoyed it again, too.

Poor little trash panda was just trying to make its rabid way on this ball of dirt we call Earth.

He was an Imperial Stormtrooper.

She always sounds full of herself. It's one of her defining traits.

No, it's from the episode they subbed for the shooting ep (it had to do with standards of beauty).

Have him sing it and I'm there!

Stupid sexy e-mails!

You're the only Jeep in existence, Eugene. You're the definition of a minority!

…she micturated?