
You really are a genius! Love this idea!!

Salmon Ladder or GTFO. :D

I don't think it matters if Iris dies or not because you just know Barry will time travel, yet again, to rectify the situation (or he'll call Supergirl to pull a Superman and fly the world backwards for him). So let's just get to the reveal and the aftermath already, show, and go back to being fun like you used to be!

Same here. I hated Flashpoint and I was excited when it seemed like they *weren't* going to do it. Then they did it. Guhhh.

Can we all agree that Ollie's best chemistry ever has been with the Salmon Ladder? I mean, c'mon, it's the SALMON LADDER and it is mighty!

And stuck Capt. Boomerang on Arrow and in that stupid Suicide Squad movie.

Someone(s) guessed awhile back that Savitar = Future Flash (probably Barry, possibly Bart or Wally). Because of that, every time Savitar said, "I'm the future, Flash," I heard it as, "I'm the Future Flash." I even yelled out "He just told you who he is!" when Barry asked, "Who are you?" :D


Upvote in sympathy. I'm so sorry.

Is that what it takes to get more O'Neal? In that case:

Not only is it one for web articles, but now it's becoming standard to have one for hard copies, too. Gaaah!

Never has anything been more true.

It's Angus, like the beef.

Oh, she does.

Mine looks like a # followed by words.

I noticed and I appreciate your support :)

This is why I'm glad to be on West Coast time. I can take off my poncho because I missed the explosion.

Thank you for doing what I cannot today.

No Frewer, no peace!

I'm guessing she was so stunned by the news, she just made a mistake.