
It wasn't that bad. I liked that she was falling in love with him again just hearing their story. It would have been so much better if the Big Bad was a return of Brandon Routh's character instead of whatever that was with Angus MacFadyen. At least Routh going after them would have made sense.

It got worse after the fans campaigned for Subway to save it. Lord knows I ate a lot of Subway to help save the show.

Where does Ash fit in?

Choice to punch in the face? Yes.

Then Deadpool could say, "It's insane, this guy's taint!"

When it comes to X-Men movies, unless it's a villain, they CW the heroes. Pretty people only, please! Blech.

What do you know? You're just a Jeep. Jeep jeep!

G looks like Waterworld. I don't want to go to there.

Are you married? Would you like to be? *bats eyelashes*

I was a kid when I first saw them. Your logic is sound.

I was a kid when I first saw Godzilla's Revenge. I have that nostalgia haze all over it. What kid didn't want to be friends with Minya and comfort him because Godzilla was such a dick of a dad?

Nope. Tired of his dweebishness.

Dammit. Now I have to see that Kong picture.

Sorry, should've edited in who Sean is discussing (i.e., MY, not Nathan).

Hitchens had chunks of Milo in his stools, baby!

You're welcome!

The Wilmore-Nance tag team was beautiful.


Especially as Maher told MY that he "always had a place" (or invite) on Maher's show.