
"future guest at The Gathering of the Juggalos"

I thought she went there for flute lessons?

In her off hours, she defends the KKK and Milo. She also likes long walks on the beach and unicorns.

What a passive-aggresshole! Sorry you work with jerks like that.

That ostrich knows what it did.

You will when you pass the horns.


Who gets menaced, Tiffany? Because Trump wouldn't care.


This is what they teased at Comic-Con a few years ago. They showed Monarch's files on codenames Rodan, Mothra, and Ghidorah. The crowd went nuts. They better not backtrack!

Barry Allen saw it, too. He changed it to save Iris, sorry.

"Godzilla gets results, you stupid scientist!"

'splosions and stomping and general mayhem. It's more realistic if tiny humans are running around, screaming.

By horrible, you mean wicked awesome fun! :D

"Release the Landy!"

If Barry resets the timeline, yet again, they can come back bigger and better!

Or people have different opinions and whatnot. I, for one, welcome our ape overlords.

To be fair, Julian was probably going to go away regardless once Barry mucks up the timeline again. Because he's Barry.

Because of teh Evil. Evil makes you hotter.

YES!! Barry fighting his Gallery would be the best.