
We’ll I’m a fan so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but my Volvos have been very reliable. Don’t have personal experience with mini, but what i heard wasn’t great. And my experience with BMW products isn’t good. So far N55 has been the stuff of nightmares.

Minis, reliable?

Finally someone speaking reasonably. Although you’re trashing lotus elise’s a bit much, I think people just underestimate how impractical (Few girls/wives have ever heard of one and are going to be terrified riding in one rather than impressed like if you had just bought that cayman) they really are and sell them on.

‘cept it doesn’t give you “all of them” it just gives you a infinite variability between its highest and lowest gear. The best CVTs have an overall gear ratio of about 1:7 the same as a ZFs 8speed and less than their 9 speed. Meaning the 9 speed can have a lower 1st gear and a higher 9th gear. But most importantly the

This is a nice car but IMO the only Geo storm/Isuzu impluse/Asüna Sunfire worth this kind of money would be an RS AWD turbo or a first gen RWD turbo.

They’re fine for snowmobiles and Nissan Versa’s. But their efficiency falls off with more torque.   

I suspect the reason they don’t do factory delivery is the ford GT is built in a nondescript industrial building nowhere near a Ford Factory which isn’t something they are keen to highlight.

Aren’t 360's an aluminium?

I suspect the real problem with these Touaregs, like every VW product, is the legendarily bad service departments. I say this not only because one of the owners claims to have had a wrench break their driveshaft. But because we hear about touareg unreliability, but no one seems down on the Cayenne with which is shares

“weight of a iron-block 5.0 liter diesel” The V10 TDI uses an aluminium block. Common Raph, you slipp’n. Can’t even be bothered to google what you’re writing about, common man, you’re better than that.

Agreed, watched a few of their videos. Twits, the lot of them.

I LOVE THESE. But that steering wheel tho, I mean i knows it’s black, but it’s not a panther.

I always thought that motor was same as the BMW V8....

You are correct. but you think with a market 10x the size that overall demand for 3-pedal 330xis would be greater still than Canadian demand even if as a % of overall sales it is lower.

Madness! Until I started posting on Jalopnik I never really realised how many cars Canada gets that you guys don’t. I always assumed being the larger market you guys would get a wider selection. But it seems like every company really tires to pair down the offerings to a few models/trim levels.

Whoah, I’m not normally is the Telsa/Musk can do no wrong camp. But these clowns piss me off.

Maybe if it was a 330xi/6-speed with some less ugly wheels, better maintenance records, some H&R/ebiach springs with a fresh set of koni yellows, with a stainless exhaust on top.

Couldn’t we have just got some grid boys had equal opportunity sexual objectification.

I actually thought the company’s response was pretty tacky. Whether this hombre was inebriated isn’t all that relevant.

“I am pretty obsessive over my car” Yeah... So obsessed you can’t take 3 seconds to make sure you’ve parked it properly. On a machine. That moves! And he’s looking for someone to blame, other than himself. What a cunt.