
I was under the impression that all of the US 411s were fuel injected

Turbo reliability is great these days so long as the cooling and oil systems are taken care of.

Turbo cars still suffer at altitude. They just suffer less.

Neat article. Hadn’t even heard of this. Czechs and Hungarians never get enough credit.

SVT focus can be had all day for much less.

Hold your horses I wasn’t saying that 20K$ Good idea. People asking all kinds of CP money for the cleanest whatazzit they happen to have are all over the place.

I’m saving the shekels for one as we speak. And yes I am that desperate for a sports car, it’s the one of the few I have a hope in hell of being able to afford. Anything I can afford is going to be so objectively terrible that a Kia soul turbo will run rings around it.

An LS/F40 swap cost more than a 3800 swap. Unless yours too is running an F40 comparing the two borders on the pointless. Nice car by the way.

Tell the seller its for a jalopnik article, it could be had for 1750$ that’s only 1,400 freedom bucks.

When these cars came out silver was the only choice for the cars. But now I only find them attractive in any colour expect silver.

When these cars came out silver was the only choice for the cars. But now I only find them attractive in any colour expect silver.

Great news! The allies decided that world would be a better place if german patents were “open sourced” so PANG can produce that engine without a licence can pass the 7 mark saving on the consumer! 

Real tacky.

This thing needs an LS, SR or RB swap more than anything anyone has ever mentioned on this site.

And how was it then that those federal and state laws came to be?

Better names include:

Yes. But frankly it’s the bane of all european cars.

The name is awful. Other than that it looks great. Love the hatch.

No Yes, the Macan.