
What the hell happened to Mike Wallace? Wasn’t the dude like the fastest WR at one point? I mean I’m talking 2-3 years ago when he was on the Steelers but still, the guy is a shell of his former self.

Shake or no shake. McCoy is going to feast on his ex team this weekend and I can’t wait since I have him in one of my leagues.

I know right? I would always want nothing to go wrong when I created my park.

Used to love playing this game back when it first came out. There was so many different things you could do when you created your park.

When the Cowboys O lines makes Darren McFadden look good, you know Murray had it made in Dallas.

Agreed about the game plan. Very odd that he decided to go that route. You want your best play maker back there though so I don’t disagree with DeSean out there returning punts. Obviously looking at it now you wonder what the heck he was doing but who else would you put back there?

I have an honest question. Are there any 3rd party candidates that will make some noise this year? The last time I can remember a 3rd party candidate actually doing somewhat decent was Perot back in what? 92 I think?

So is this going to lead to the Justice League or...?

Agreed. His whole always pissed off routine is just old and annoying at this point. I don’t know what he’s like when he’s not around football but my god, have a sense of fucking human in you for a change dude.

So many games this year the Giants should’ve won but then again Eli did throw 3 picks. You can’t win when you throw 3 interceptions.

Delanie is legit good. One of the best TE’s in the league. They have two issues. When’s the last time they had an actual RB? McCluster wasn’t a good pickup at all and Bishop Sankey? My god. Andrews looks decent but not athletic or dynamic at all and the WR’s? When’s the last time they had a legit top 10 WR? Whoever is

Greatest catch in the history of the NFL.

What’s strange to me is that he’s doing this without D. Williams and K. Benjamin. Is it just a soft schedule that’s gotten them this far or is Cam really THIS good?

In my opinion Lacy has been the bigger bust out of him and Cobb. Dude is letting a career backup outplay him?

Because nobody knew who he was. New Yorkers want somebody they can relate to ie (Carmelo was from New York and went to ‘Cuse). Who can relate to this dude, at all?

I’m still curious why the whole thing started?

How is Porzingis even watchable? I absolutely hated that draft pick. The last time the Knicks were watchable was back in the Allan Houston, Derek Harper, John Starks days.