

free publicity stunt

Dear rich developers:

Always hire lobbyists!

Not really, Ash is supposed to be the underdog (you as the new player), there have always been stronger and popular characters in the series, now that he completed his goal, they will make him a side character that grows up and makes cameos, they want a new generation of gamers to watch the show that has gone for a


They get famous for how they look and expect people to understand their mental illness and insecurities. People will never accept when someone already beautiful gets plastic surgery and fucks it up.

I blame the models’ vanity to think that they are doing the same thing as athletes. They are just replacing mannequins and feel that deserves a round of applause?

Gwyneth Paltrow, Paris Hilton, Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart, Serena Williams, DJ Khaled”

You can get influenced by these group? if you take advice from them you deserve the shit that’s coming.

ports are very unoptimized so they need a ton of raw power to run. Thanks to the popular engines they are super easy to port but still need a bit of a touch up nobody wants to do.

Considering they barely add menus for graphical configurations like FULLSCREEN and will require to search in the folder to make changes,

He should buy everyone in the crowd laptops similar to Hunter Biden’s.

Artist are angry that computers are replacing their creativity. Get in line buddy, you can’t stop progress.

Danny Trejo has a AAA restaurant chain, he’s not into movies anymore.

you think he made those shirts himself? he’s been doing his parents work.

Hopefully one day he will protest during F1 races.

I doubt they claimed the content that nobody really cares about now, I’m sure they claimed the music.

how many hours do you think a piece of art takes of “fantasy work”, if you decided to be a REAL JOB carpenter, it doesn’t mean everybody has to make the same as you. Most lawyers make than kind of money in a couple hours doing their fantasy jobs.

The gaming industry makes four times the music industry revenue and three times the movie industry revenue and they wanna pay with scraps? Same thing happen with the Bayonetta voice actor, why are their bastards so cheap?

Glad that horn censored whatever he said about his dad and the complicated relationship with that guy.

Knights of the Zodiac it’s what it’s known in spanish, french and portuguese, the big markets where it’s gonna make billions. The US never even cared and Japan was a mild success. In Mexico and Spain there are huge conventions just focused on Saint Seiya.

Very simple: Nintendo doesn’t care about these events, they license their “seal of approval”, if Panda is doing the same thing they are forcing it to be exclusive and wanted to take over these events for this organization, NIntendo gives them a chance to continue working as in the past but now they have to pay like