
Sonic movies are stupid Hollywood type all copying The Wizard of Oz and turned into “THE CHARACTER ENTERS A STRANGE TUNNEL/LAKE/MIRROR AND ENDS UP IN NEW YORK” to save money.

Princess Peach voice is also changed, woke culture wouldn’t allow the soft spoken princess to be helfself, a 21st century princess needs testicles.

Love his minions leaving comments, too bad he fucked a massive money-printing machine that had been running for 30 years and he’s never ever getting more blockbuster movies, and all his supporters at Disney are “leaving but not fired”, he’s done no matter how much “the community” try.

Mercedes Benz Game Pass? can these cars be hacked?

Kim Kardashian’s mom B-roll, I’m surprised she has not sold any of that.

especially after Musk fired multiple full-time engineers who might have been able to help him with this project.”

They are trying to fix whatever shit these amazing full-time engineers couldn’t do in years of labor.

It’s Disney making Marvel movies and tv, Disney isn’t going to give Tarantino and Scorcese money any time soon, and their movies are made for selected audiences, if you don’t like mob movies you don’t watch Scorcese, if you don’t watch borderline racism movies you don’t watch Tarantino, not even mentioning millions of

just don’t watch them, I never watched Fast and the Furious movies and I don’t complain about how many or popular they are. Assume they weren’t made for you and you’ll be happy.

Anthony Hopkins, Glenn Close, Samuel Jackson, Patrick Stewart etc etc etc, are laughing away to the bank making Marvel money. The problem is that their agencies don’t work with Disney so they are not getting calls. Same thing happened with CGI movies, they all complained about Pixar movies and until Shrek nobody else

If I were you, I would start doing Nintendo articles without their images, just random child drawings of Super Mario

publicity stunt and you gave them free press.

airbrushing was never in Playboy, you can tell instantly an airbrushed photo, usually it was on cheap magazines and advertisments,, you can read the books by their old photographers and you can get the same results in camera, plus Hugh Hefner hand picked extremely beautiful women. Playboy Channel used to have behind

Nothing offends white people, except dating their pawg daughters.

Unlike today with websites, Playboy used to featured each month just a few (usually 3) beautiful women shot by amazing photographers, at most they would use makeup, lens filters and on camera tricks like vaseline, these ladies were all real, retouching photographs in the 70s and 80s was pretty bad and did not get

Beyonce was great but Kelly Rowland was the girl in Destiny’s Child, it’s strange that she didn’t get more singles after the song with Nelly was #| for a loooong time but when Beyonce came out, it’s like someone in the industry decided to blacklist the other two girls.



His father is a wife beater and runover his current wife! his mom cheated on Schumacher with him and Max was born! they all are terrible, Sergio Perez life is in danger