
Staying loyal and put up with 10 years of pure shit doesn’t make them bad fans.

The irony is that Kotaku & friends always defend women’s rights but constantly feature this dude and his streams, so much for “their standing for what is right” LOL

Meanwhile in Kotaku news...

Who would have thought fictional machines had cocks and pussies.

These look like shit. Like something a bot account would have tried to sell me as an NFT in 2021. Throw this all straight in the bin.”

These are computer generated learned from people’s art, if you think this is shit they you really don’t know art to be talking about it.

At the end Scooby Doo get a ritualized circumcision.

Warner Bros is crumbling, why do you expect all it’s productions are going to be handled properly? even the Joker movie was greenlit to be directed by a comedian, the irony is it turned out right and serious, but they first expected an Adam Sandler movie.

The proof that once fucking Kathleen Kennedy doesn’t get involved there can be a good Star Wars story. No Skywalkers she can destroy and no forced feminism she can shove down everyone’s throats, just normal characters like in the 6 Lucas’ movies.


a recession is negative growth for 2 months, depression is negative growth results for a period of more than 6 months, what you are talking about is almost a collapse of society lol “NO HOPE” that would be 100x what a economic depression is, I think you watch too many movies.


everything is more expensive and salaries are staying the same hence people don’t spend money, utilities are being rationed, companies are cutting jobs everywhere, the only people making money are the stock brokers because they are buying cheap and aare filthy rich already. The new jobs are rehires with less benefits,

they did a shitty job anyways, you forget these people made Twitter what it is today.

we aren’t technically in recession” is a depression, just because the news don’t say it doesn’t mean firing thousands everywhere isn’t it.

Indiana Jones Trans!

Never mess with the jews!” The 20th Century.

However, it was Black people who created pop music in the first place.” lol wtf, you can’t be serious.

I think he means all the Marvel wannabes.

“This year, the company is offering hiring bonuses to new employees, for positions that are especially difficult to fill. About a month ago, Disneyland posted a job opening for a maintenance mechanic who could check and maintain the rides—like a broken Haunted Mansion.”

the problem is that they want to hire women

The racing skills level needed in Nascar that you can win by slamming into a wall lol and everyone goes “WOW HOW DID HE DO THAT?” LOL