Dev F

Well, Amy would be right in real life. Per the Twentieth Amendment, in the event the House can't choose a president, the vice president will merely serve as acting president until the House makes a selection. Hence the talk about how Tom will rely on the Speaker of the House to prevent the matter from coming up for a

But if the show decides not to bring back LS, there's no reason for Beric not to be around. My point is that they could use a resurrection-addled Beric in place of Stoneheart.

Well, they deliberately camped in the same place where Ramsay's men ambushed Stannis, so maybe we'll find out. (That was an especially daft moment, I thought: "Stannis is a military genius, so we should camp in the exact spot where the Boltons got the drop on him and destroyed all his supplies, dooming him to failure

Yeah, if they're leading up to Stoneheart, it's a weirdly oblique reintroduction to the BwB. Seems like they would at least establish that, say, the Septon was a former Lannister soldier or something.

I appreciate the specific mention of iPhones in what I assume is the promotional copy provided to the trades. One of my main concerns about the show is that it would end up being too faithful to the source material, with new gods better suited to the turn of the millennium than 2016. (The Technical Kid, in particular,

Wow, Daniel Radcliffe does look just like Elijah Wood, if you Photoshop his face onto Elijah Wood's head and morph it to fit!

Maaaybe. But that would mean there'd have to be another fictional one-term presidency that's never been mentioned, between the sometimes-referenced events of the Bush administration (Guantanamo, the war in Iraq, the financial crisis, etc.) and President Hughes's election in 2012.

That line did make me wonder — when exactly is the show currently set? Seems like it should still be 2012, but that would make pop culture references like this a little anachronistic.

That was pretty much my read as well: Bran attempts to warg present-day Hodor and can't really get it to work, and in his attempts to reestablish or reinforce the connection, he ends up (deliberately or accidentally I'm not sure) implanting the command into past Hodor instead.

"So, Mr. Malloy, it seems that the cat has been caught by the very person that was trying to catch him!"
"How ironic."

I remember Mark Burnett mentioning in an interview that the season 2 survivors were as obsessed with season 1 as the rest of the country was at the time — so much so that he had to warn them to stop talking about Richard and company or their comments would get edited out of the show.

No, they did. The Borneo season aired from May to August 2000, and the Australia season started filming in October of that year.

Yeah, but Richard wouldn't count himself as one of his four allies, right?

Richard's real winning move was deliberately failing the final immunity challenge, knowing that if he won, he'd be forced to either take the much-beloved Rudy with him to the final round and lose to him, or take Kelly with him and lose for breaking his alliance with Rudy.

A much more apt choice than trying to pass off the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the most recognizable Catholic church in DC, as some random Episcopal church.

But Booker only says that because he's uncomfortable with the fact that he himself is considered a martyr in the universe where the Vox resistance turns into a full-scale uprising. And considering what we learn about Booker by the end of the game, the fact that he claims "the only difference between Comstock and

Yep, I feel like Infinite draws a lot of complaints about bugs that are actually features. Of course it's disturbing that Daisy Fitzroy, the righteous African American activist, eventually becomes a bloodthirsty villain who has to die in service of the white protagonists' narrative. But that part of the story is about

It's not just random nonsense, even — it's a deliberately terrible plan. Using Intimidating Shout to "scatter" the extra minions is just guaranteed to pull adjacent monsters into the fight, and casting Divine Intervention will only protect the mages at the cost of killing the caster and rendering the mages incapable

I wonder if I was the only one nerdy enough to ask, "It's a CIA briefing; how is she tweeting inside a SCIF?"

Re: Mail Robot Watch: We hear Mail Robot in the background when Gaad is going up to get fired, don't we?