This story sounds super familiar, and I found this on Snopes:…
This story sounds super familiar, and I found this on Snopes:…
Am I the only one who stopped watching after Elliot Stabler left?
I'm going to recommend this one.
That's so sad! Musubi is so unusual, funny no one wanted to try it... and now I'm thinking about loco moco.
And why are you so fixated on addressing me by my gender?
Name one
You are fucking serious? Pathetic try at trolling. Call me my name, why doncha
Lady is often used to be patronizing. Next time, if you want to show respect, treat someone like an equal, and don't choose a word with so much sexist, semantic baggage
Damn, and now you're suggesting I'm stupid. (By talking down to, I was just referring to your own condescending post. My own co-workers are great.)
I know I couldn't survive a day without men calling me a "lady" and talking down to me
Your comment ignores pregnancies that are accidental. As well as women having autonomy over their own bodies.
This line isn't exactly a new idea... this company has been doing something similar since 2006:
I gave Kyle MachLachlan (Twin Peaks) the number for a cab company during the Superbowl in Detroit. Also walked past Scarlett Johansson while leaving a bar in Albuquerque on Halloween.
As a member of that 4 % who got her mother's last name (which is her maiden name), I can say that any "issues" were trivial at best. Things like, teachers had to be reminded my folks had different last names when sending homes notes in elementary school. And yes, we did travel overseas together, and I don't remember…
In defense of the women's torsos: Lego minifigs have an uneasy history with showing gender. I remember having Legos as a kid— and never thinking if those little yellow faces were men or women. They were just all genderless little people. Until I got a Lego figure who had eyelashes and a red lipsticked mouth, and…
Look at these socialist soccer fans, celebrating the moral decay of America.
Better question... what about the dad? Where was he?
Is this really the appropriate time and place for this argument? Because it sounds like you're saying that the kidnapped girls don't really matter, since the media didn't pay as much attention in the past when atrocities happen to men.
I flush 'em. I'm currently working in Europe, and I've discovered that most public bathrooms don't have garbage cans in either the stalls or the bathroom itself (they all come equipped with air dryers for hands.) Since I'd rather not walk around, in public, holding a soggy tampon while trying to locate a place to…
Valeria Lukyanova.