
I hate when Grand Theft Auto starts lagging out and the streets are filled with the same couple cars.

There is a massive gray area between a concrete hell hole and bum fuck nowhere in middle america.

David’s neighbors-

Chris and Derek pushed the giant SUV down the ramps and into my swampy backyard, where it now sits

My main concern with that truck is how carefully the owner refused to photograph half of it.

As a CR-V owner, I think it’s pretty funny the RAV-4/CR-V rivalry. Battle of the Beige.

She needs it to be reliable, I don’t think she wants to travel with a toolbox.

Hopefully this technology will trickle down to the average Joe's car. Isn't that what endurance racing is supposed to be for?

This was slightly amusing. More amusing was this happenstance.

So they forgot to run the TPMS re-learn procedure after rotating the tires? Can’t say that has ever happened to me before.

This wouldn’t have happened if they used a digital tire gau...oh.

This is an important point. Destroying the planet for a few hours saved on a trip a handful of times a year is crazy talk.

I must have been thinking about travel from ATL to Sydney. Whichever, it’s too damn long ;)

Neutral: No...

[Whispering quietly, in the corner]: i still like the name Boaty McBoatface