
I also feel like a company confident in its 250k “vehicle” wouldn’t get its feathers ruffled and need to defend itself in Jalopnik’s comments section. If that were the case, Elon would be trolling Jalopnik 24/7.

The only thing that irks me more than the design of this $250,000 “vehicle” is your grammar (or lack thereof). For that money, any Jalop worth his/her salt could find 10 cars that are better by any metric.

How’s the gas mileage? Decent? 

Ah, the old "come visit me in the fire swamp it will be fun" trick.

Fuckin Hack Mohan I miss your bad takes 

Not to downplay what has to be a challenging situation, but the main difference I see between you and the pilot are that you know your situation is temporary and will be rectified as soon as your job allows. It’s a separation based on necessity, not discord. I interpreted his situation to be that his marriage had gone

irregular, not bad. We absolutely do NOT kinkshame in this house.

The statement should be “An Alpine, already in the shop ?”

it looks like it would be a bitch to actually use as a truck.

There’s been a lot of construction going on at work. There’s a large Chevy truck that belongs to one of the construction crew. Every time I pass it, I notice the plastic step-stool placed next to the back tire.

GM’s new design language is “making all our cars look like they’re having an allergic reaction”.

Being brand agnostic is a blessing. Gives you the freedom to make the right choice, not just the one you’re seeking confirmation bias about.

1st Gear: When will GM learn that ugly vehicles with ugly interiors don’t sell?

And it conveniently makes everyone complicit in your war crimes, so it’s harder to protest later.

But there’s a Silverado trim for all of us! the Real People (TM) told us so!

A guy on the Lotus forum brought his Elise Supercharged to one of those big tuner car shows and won best modified car. Seeing as the car was stock, that says all I need to know about Lotus handywork 

Toyota's actually been doing this for quite a while now.