
But that is well shy of the $95,000 and $123,000 the average U.S.-based GM assembly worker and skilled work made respectively, including overtime and profit-sharing bonuses.

I would imagine a great many Jeep buyers have no idea that the axles/suspension are any different than what they would get from some random crossover.

With a lean like that it looks like the other driver didn’t waste any moves of the steering wheel either. Did anyone check the track for a clipped-off wing mirror or a suspiciously brown oil slick near this checkpoint?

Smokey and the Bandit 4 really took the franchise in a new, darker direction. 

Man I think I have another breakthrough on top of that... imagine the trucks didn’t have rubber wheels, but steel conical ones that would run on tracks! That way they don’t even have to turn! Paths can be “programmed” in by building the tracks to go in specific directions - obfuscated behind a neural network of

The solution is so simple! Just stick a hand on the front and back of each truck and have them bump into each other and hold hands. Then, they can talk to each other and agree to accelerate and brake uniformly. If you get enough trucks holding hands, then when the ‘platoon’ encounters a hill, the ones at the bottom

“So why exactly would anyone buy the manual version?”

Yep, true. I’m imagining some 75-year-old guy saying “I only drive a standard!” while he grinds his way across I-70 in Colorado towing a $300k trailer with granite countertops.

Federal PMITA prison? Not white collar resort prison.

Of course most Jalops when hearing about a mail truck police chase were checking the date on their ‘when will David Tracy finally lose it’ pool tickets

Is Jalopnik’s obsession with Rich Energy unhealthy? Yes.

Torch wasn’t here to suggest a Nissan President listing from Duncan Imports for some inexplicable reason.

Needs yellow splitter guards.

What’s going on here? These are all genuinely helpful suggestions and it makes me uncomfortable.

I’m gonna compromise a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle and scream mid life crisis a bit....but it’s not German!

Tried to go to r/EngineeringPorn, got a call less than 15 seconds later from the Network Administrator because “porn” is right there in the URL, and now I have to go see HR by the end of the day.

No kidding, couldn’t they use a 737 Max for Trump?

You know he didn’t design it otherwise it would look like something like this, inside and out.

A quick check of wikipedia says there’s still over 530 still in use. Smaller jets may be getting more long distance flights, but the 747 isn’t really going anywhere anytime soon.