Why do you even need a catalyst? Antimatter + Matter = Energy Half a gram of anti-hydrogen and half a gram of hydrogen would combine for an explosion of about 15 kilotons of TNT (almost 9*10^13 Joules) if you could get it to annihilate completely.
Why do you even need a catalyst? Antimatter + Matter = Energy Half a gram of anti-hydrogen and half a gram of hydrogen would combine for an explosion of about 15 kilotons of TNT (almost 9*10^13 Joules) if you could get it to annihilate completely.
If misspellings and missing words are red flags, you’re using a different Twitter than I.
I like that ESPN tweet adheres to Twitter’s strict 88 character limit.
Nothing strange? They haven’t competed for a state or regional championship is nearly thirty years!
We disciplined the students yesterday.
Later that night they planned to burn a large wooden T on someone’s lawn. To let them know it was the Tennis team.
Is 11 really too early to think about lunch?
“People are terrified. They kicked Ollie North out and put in a prayer room...”
“They kicked Ollie North out”
Muslim prayer rugs in Ollie North’s office
“I told by Applecare that I could walk in the store and get the part!”
I’m glad to see that George finally became a state. He’s been working so hard at it...
Surprised it wasn’t a pile-up with the #44 Hillsdale College, the #65 Oral Roberts University, and the #45 Trump University cars.
Just imagine how fast it would have been though if Chapman’s girlfriend was in the batter’s box
“Hey Bill, look over there. I see a groundhog on the side of the road. I think he’s...he’s painting a picture! It looks like a Picasso...
Maryland cops will never fail to live up to negative stereotypes that you didn’t even know existed
If groundhogs were nocturnal how could we have a whole day devoted to them seeing their shadow.
“Indeed, a groundhog that’s out during the day and not afraid of a nearby, stomping human might be rabid”
Welcome to Chicago Mr. Smith. You got nothing to worry about, I’m a professional.
I’d imagine the Bears playbook is just pictures of Aaron Rodgers cutting them apart with the caption “Yeah, but like, what if that was us doing that?”