
My god is Arachnis, lord of toilet paper, so...

Again with the Tesla innuendo!
Porsche GT split in 2 and killed both Paul Walker and the fucker driver. Nobody bats an eye... the wife of the driver wanted something but irrelevant...
Other +100mph accidents explode cars on a regular basis..nobody bats an eye.

We'll have to wait and see what the Feds have to say about this incident.

Last time I had United's garlic bread I had my own evacuation slide..

I saw this car at the recent "Leavenworth Drive" - it made it across the pass apparently without issue, as did my old beast.

Waltham, MA eh? It probably went something like this: "Alright, now floor it, and turn wicked hahd!"

I screamed a bit when he cut to the 2nd car.


What should we do? IDK lets make it look kinda like that classic car, but with more plastic and less visibility!

The 1982 Camaro was gorgeous for its time and the 1993 Camaro was awesome as well. The 2010 looks like an enlarged and plasticized 1968 Camaro, like a full-size kid's Power Wheels.

It better have a T-Top for mullet cooling

I'm glad there weren't mo ped-estrians in the way...

I can't weigh in on whether I believe she should be in jail or not. My gut reaction is "burn the bitch" because what she did was OMG SO FUCKING STUPID.

There's no such thing as a "seven star" hotel. The star rankings only go up to five. Any rankings higher than five are just the hotel wanking itself off and making crap up to get people to come to it.

I've been known to have a mild laxative effect.

Oh, no, what if you went to Target? She'd never find you again!

For the love of... how can a 'car guy' spend all this time to compile video clips and then PUT MUSIC ON IT!?!?!?! Please, please if you are truly a car guy stop the insanity and don't add music. Especially crappy music.

why the fuck do these clips always have dipshit metal music?

This guy!

I am sure you are actively changing the way the world works since everyone else is so stupid. Weapons are so dumb right, if everyone just gave up the weaponry, lived in a pre-agrarian state and wanted for nothing everything would be fine. Yawn.