
Wow. For #FakeNews, there certainly are a lot of people talking about Moore hitting on teens and talking about how creepy he was. Some of them are even men. And men police officers. Of course, we can’t possibly believe what women say but when men police start saying it might not be fake news after all.

Seriously. You know how many times you have to harass children before every store manager in a mall recognizes you on sight as a pedophile? He must have tried to hit on hundreds of children in that mall.

As someone who has been to a mall, I find this incredibly incriminating. There is a VERY high tolerance for creepers at the mall. If you aren’t actively stealing something it is pretty hard to get banned from those hell-holes.

Bingo! And I’ll take odds that they seat him “for just one or two crucial votes,” before they replace him with Sessions. I mean, really, they sat the guy who assaulted a reporter in front of dozen witnesses and on video, and who is also a gun nut. What would a pedophile mean to them if it comes down to him or

And replace him with a candidate NOBODY voted for. I’m too busy shaking my head at this shitshow to applaud.

So the librul media focuses on this story but ignores the 33,000 e-mails that tell of the operation that Clinton and Obama ran out of the basement of a pizza parlor in Benghazi where they exchanged uranium for sexual favors from minors.

The Senate GOP takes a stand against harming individual young girls by molesting them, but it’s OK to systematically harm them by the thousands or millions with policies like denial of access to birth control, abortion, and health care, and denial of parental resources that could help young girls, like food stamps,

“Good enough for the Senate, just not the mall.”


Signing a high schooler’s yearbook with “love” was pretty bad.

The ACA is basically a republican policy that bears Obamas name and is unquestionably the crown jewel of his Presidential legacy. So while they’re absolutely desperate to piss all over it, they’re obviously going to really struggle to find an alternative that is more right wing and yet not too right wing that it will

I don’t see anyone complaining about being silenced. I just see a troll (you) whining for attention. Blaming the protesters for, I don’t even know what you’re blaming them for, is ludicrous. You are hilarious. Is Russian your first language?

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

“..adding, “I’m going to buy nice ones, I’m not going to buy crappy ones.”

And there it is folks: the “both sides” argument from the non scientist who won’t bother to listen to the 97% of climatologists that are saying climate change is real, it’s caused by humans, and it’s going to cause a lot of damage and deaths in the near future.

Don’t bother applauding. They want him to win so that the Republican Governor can replace him with either Luther Strange or Jeff Sessions. Sessions being a double-whammy because if Sessions goes back to the Senate, Trump can nominate an AG that can fire Mueller.

Great to see the voices who complain they are being silenced now silencing the voices of the ones they claim were doing the silencing.

And that’s what makes most of them bad.

It’s to the point where if a good apple tries to get rid of a bad one, all of the bad and good apples will kick that good one right out.

this is why we absolutely can not wait.... to eliminate the estate tax!

-Donald Trump