Denny Crane


Not everybody is in to podcasts, broseph. I've read pretty much every Drew post some he can't back except anything related to deadcasts. He typically alluded to an incident but never said brain hemorrhage was the cause.

Was this the first time we ever saw her smile on the show? Or show any emotion other then fear or anger?

I don’t really like this writing shortcut they took.

Mads’ delivery of “Maybe.  Who am I to judge?” is one of my favorites in the MCU.

Everything needs more Mads Mikkelsen, and this movie could’ve used more of him, but the second act fight with Strange was a great showcase.

The hidden hero in this story is the Mountain. The Night King’s gonna get to King’s Landing and realize he can’t turn somebody who’s already undead.

I gotta say – Doc Strange is “lesser” in the sense of his character not being one of Marvel’s front-liners. But this movie is the one I most enjoy in re-watch, when it pops up on HBO or something. Eh, I guess with the exception of Iron Man (the first).

Rickon is lesser Stark.

I really think they are setting up Bronn to receive The Twins.

As shook as Jaime looked when he saw Bran staring at him at the end of the episode I don’t think Bran is actually going to do anything. He really doesn’t feel things anymore so he will probably just tell Jaime something to the effect that Jaime pushing him off the tower was something that needed to happen to get Bran

Something I liked about the Luis character is that when we meet him for the first time, he says he knocked out Peachy (the big man in the prison “fight”). At first, this seemed just some braggadocio, but as the film progresses, Luis turns into one-punch man, laying out dudes left and right with ease. He was telling

There’s a very brief reference to him in the Incredible Hulk on a list of Banner’s known associates.

“And Tony Stark was all, ‘I’m totally gonna get this gauntlet off him’. But then Peter Quill got all in Thanos’s face, like, ‘Why’d you kill my girl?’, and Thanos was all, ‘Nah, bro, she wasn’t your girl.’

Ant-Man has 100 percent more Gregg Turkington than any other MCU movie, thereby making it the best MCU movie.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Dish who?
Dish is de’ cable company! You want your dragon & titty show? Give us all your gold!

I like Aidy’s Carrie Krum, but the characterization is more like a 4th grader, or maybe a 7th grader from 1984.

I think there should be an option for Jon learning his true identity right away, then withholding that info from Dany for X amount of time.

Will the show stay alive long enough for me to find it?
