For a French Press, unscrew the filter apparatus about halfway before plunging it into the soapy water. Also, once every few months, wipe the interior of the carafe with a paper towel and a 10-to-1 vinegar solution, then rinse it out repeatedly.
For a French Press, unscrew the filter apparatus about halfway before plunging it into the soapy water. Also, once every few months, wipe the interior of the carafe with a paper towel and a 10-to-1 vinegar solution, then rinse it out repeatedly.
My guess is that it helps in 2 ways: a) it may persuade some voters who supported him in 2016 but are looking at Warren or others to come back to him, and b) AOC endorsing Bernie means she won’t be endorsing anyone else who might stand to benefit much more from it (a.k.a. the old “trade for a player just so they don’t…
I mean, you’re not wrong about that (I made another comment to the same effect elsewhere) but to me that’s more of a reason why she would seek to endorse him than a reason why he would seek it, you know what I mean?
Occam’s Razor: AOC and Sanders are extremely closely aligned ideologically and she decided to endorse the candidate whose beliefs are closest to her own. I would have preferred that she make a more strategic decision but I find myself struggling to get too worked up about it.
This was essentially Scocca’s argument in his Slate piece on this: the NBA has leverage of its own - the best basketball league and best basketball players in the world - and should use it.
My armchair analysis is that the Sanders campaign sought the endorsements to help him retain voters who went for him in 2016 but are being drawn to Warren this time around.
when the NBA economy suffers from a complete fall out from this
Well, it probably beats gas station sushi.
This absolutely looks like butt.
If the brass is not allowing Deadspin to utter the name of Splinter even here, that is asinine beyond belief. G/O management is exhibiting a lack of class and spine that is noticeable even in an industry where both are in increasingly short supply.
If you tell me you would not drink the hell out of that Frostyccino, I will call you a dirty liar in between sips of my Frostyccino.
I usually buy Newman’s because my local store usually has it on sale, but the Frontera tomatillo salsa is almost perfect imho.
You know, it occurs to me that it would be good if G/O Media had a blog devoted to politics that could give those accusations the coverage they deserved.
They’re not allowed to - they got word from on high basically warning them not to say a word about it. It’s honestly unsurprising in its lack of class.
Out here giving out Michel Cluizel for Halloween when the kids just want a Milky Way Dark
If you’re at LaGuardia: don’t. Just ... don’t.
My draft choices:
It’s not quite Science Watch, but I’ll take it.
I had a friend in college who would drive south to visit her family and come back up with a case of Old Dominion to share. Good stuff.