
I never, ever think of the children.

"It's okay, because Lisa wasn't a vegetarian yet!"

Dunno—even if it's a takeback, the characters all regard his plunge with an awfully blithe callousness.

Any number of us would like to, but they're the TV editors who'd bring it back.

[Shrugs.] Sorry.

[Shrugs.] I do it when I think it makes sense.

Right. Fixed.

I dunno if it's as effective, but I will dutifully send a screenshot.

That's why Marge thoughtlessly waking the baby up annoyed the hell out of me. Wrecked the moment and out of character.

Me too! Pester Erik and Josh to bring them back! Organize, people.

I just heard about the death of Michelle McNamara, who, in addition to being a fine writer, was Patton Oswalt's wife. You think you know a comic that you admire, especially someone as open and honestly searching as Oswalt, but then something like this happens and you realize you know precisely nothing. I wrote my

I really appreciate you reading. Sorry if I spoiled things. Especially considering. Jesus.

Fair enough, although I think I'm pretty good at dancing around the actual quotes, some of which are unavoidable when trying to give the flavor of the thing. Reviewing comedy is very difficult in that way (and, you know, others)—sorry if you felt I quoted too many lines. Hope you'll come back and read it after

No sweat. Thanks for reading, MoSam.

That's Oswalt's point in the joke. His message is that the left needs to not get so hung up on terminology and infighting about same and listen to the sentiment and the hearts of the people involved. He goes into it at much greater length in the special.

You were doing no such thing (especially not in the grand spectrum of such things). Thanks for reading and with the Buffy love.

I have gone in and clarified this out of Buffy solidarity.

"Halfdan looked Halfdead" gets an upvote.

What, I thought Dushku did some great work there. I still hear her, "Giles, you're inching! Stop inching!"

Well, this one reviewer appreciated this one special.