
Yes, because bringing in lots of new businesses and jobs is somehow a bad thing. You’re completely delusional, Michael. Don’t worry, south side of Chicago will always be there for your perfect Black paradise

Why are you so concerned about other peoples reasons for buying one? Why do you care so much? You and I both know these will sell like hotcakes regardless of all of the reasons you are giving here.

You are over analyzing a comedy show that seeks to offend everyone and everything. It really is just skin deep and the fact that you and pretty much everyone else here are trying to mold the joke to your personal view on the word makes it all the more hilarious. They really are geniuses, those guys.

You should revisit the “Smug Alert” episode and rethink your thesis

It’s South Park. It’s a joke.

Hey you liberal shitstains,

These fucking nimrods are using their opinion as fact and it’s fucking pathetic

Sand in the vagina again?

Okay white boy

Censorship. Typical liberal douchebag.

All liberals love the sound of their own voices. Why do you think they protest all the time?

Liberals assuming things again. Typical

This won’t get any votes because liberals don’t like the truth. Anyone remember the film actors guild (F.A.G) from team America?

Cite your source. They made a whole fucking movie making fun of liberals, dude

Ignore the liberals like they ignore the true problems facing this word. It’s what they excel at.

Way to presume his race, bigot

DACA is unconstitutional desrves to die

The funniest part of all this is that people are thinking it’s not a joke. As if this is actually a realistic fucking RPG.

Alt-left too. Don’t be surprised if Jesse Jackson gets in on this

Someone gets it. Lol look at all the white people lying to themselves