
It’s lulz. For the lulz. Get it right or ill-tempered children will hax0r your computato out of sheer spite. ;P

Well, preferably is should be an unbiased source, something Kotaku literally *can’t* be unbiases about GamerGate since they were in the center of the whole thing.

I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is

Anybody getting their GamerGate news from Kotaku is basically asking Bill Clinton about a certain intern... The bias is written in the story. (Not a nock against Stephen really, he was pretty neutral.)

He asked for that much, he wasn't offered that much.

This a good example of why Oculus being bought out by Facebook was bad. Only a big corporation with a big ego would treat its longtime fans and supporters like excrement.

You can’t honestly expect game journalists to play games! What kind of backwards world do you live in?

That’s Gawker Media Logic at it’s finest. You see, the best way to stamp out racism and prejudice, is with MORE RACISM AND PREJUDICE!

I just love how you think only white people are racist.

Oh man, here comes the ultimate SJW insult!

As an American Indian (hell I just consider myself an American), I don’t worry about the past I look to the future. Is there racisim in America ? Of course there will always be and truth is it’s not only whites it’s pretty equal across the playing field. You only here about white hate because that makes better news.

People need to learn their history and stop hating because the media tells them to.

Lots of flags...for one state.....none of which are the “Stars and Bars” Confederate flag, or the “Rainbow” LGBT flag.

I would break it down more to:

Truly this should be posted on Jez or gawker, not kotaku. Kotaku staff can share/rep the article, but you doing this is the same as kotaku posting game news the over there. No point in having separate sites if you’re going to do this. The staff should know better than posting something based on personal preference. I

Came here for game news. Got gay news. Good for the gay community, but why the fuck am I reading this on a Kotaku? Is this even a game site?

Ridiculous.. Why do I have to be placed on a planet that has nothing but oversenstitive betas?!
What’s even more ridiculous is that online retailers, government, developers, and now big coorperations are bending to their fucking will over this.
As I said before and as I’m going to say again and again.. IT’S JUST A

Yet nobody complains about the American flag flying on every government building, which has presided over more genocide (3 million Vietnamese,) terrorism (Operation Gladio,) slavery (Dole Corporation) than the Confederate Flag ever did....

I love how no one on the Internet can get away with having an opinion anymore.