“We believe in view-to-play gaming for a simple reason - it’s faster, cheaper and more fun to watch an ad than pay for an in-app purchase.”
“We believe in view-to-play gaming for a simple reason - it’s faster, cheaper and more fun to watch an ad than pay for an in-app purchase.”
Shockingly no. Both were Kirk. *Whole audience gasps*
Ctrl+F’d the word “Feminist” Saw it mentioned Twice. Skipped whole article. Went back to playing Wife Beater 2008.
How do you figure that you’re qualified to say it adds nothing to the narrative when the narrative is unfinished and you, presumably, do not have any inside information as to what direction it's going? Without knowing what the narrative is, how can you say what does and does not serve it?
You could ask this about 90% of any scene from any movie or television show ever created. It’s a silly question to ask.
This is very Slate-y.
Tommen, you fucking little nutless wonder. That’s your gorgeous wife, speak fucking up and let your balls drop as KING already. Damnit!
She knew what she was getting herself into. This is a long game. Was it brutal? Yes. But it wasn’t “rapey.” And they didn’t do it for shock value. If they did, we would have been forced to watch Sansa’s face (like in “Last House on the Left”), not Theon’s.
this show is still a thing?
They act like the teabagging hurt his feeling so bad that it had to be avenged...... talk about over dramatic.
Uhhhhh....What. Really, there’s a point where a job stops being a job and more of a way to pass time. When you’re 71 and a multi-millionaire, being “exploited” is inapplicable. You’re not stitching shoes together in a nike sweatshop for 4 cents an hour, you’re a voice actor making hundreds of thousands of dollars an…
The taser is a weapon in the game, I don't get why they don't use tasers at one star either.
Also I don’t understand why police has to open fire at 1 star rating.
Then don’t fucking donate. If you’re not willing to assume the risk, you do not invest. This is basic bloody economics 101.
I don’t understand why GTA V doesn’t have that “no witness” feature that Red Dead: Redemption had
I’d be so much more into this game if I could create my character...Geralt is so generic to me.
It’s not the nostalgia. WotLK nailed everything, it was close to perfection.
I left the second they changed the talent tree to the new simplified shitty version. The game has changed too much since the vanilla release, i look at it now and don’t even see the same game as back then.