
Are you sure that wouldn’t have been preferable? At least it’d be memorable.. all I can ever remember about The Phantom Menace is Natalie Portman’s costumes, Liam Neeson’s beard, and the color beige.

Forever and Batman & Robin actually prepared me for the inevitable disappointment of The Phantom Menace. I started watching horror sequels soon after this and got the message pretty quick: More of what you liked before can end up quite disastrous.

Tremors has been slowly working its way up my list of favorite movies of all time bit by bit for the past 25 years.... it cracked my Top 20 a few years ago and I’m betting once I’m old and frail it’ll be top 5. I like that movie so much I always watch the sequels as a follow up (even the prequel isn’t half bad). Dunno

“My dear, why did you have to buy those dreadful paintings by that painter, what was his name?”

”Pablo Picasso”

”He won’t amount to a thing! Mark my words....”

“Fuck this cowboy shit! With a ‘hey there, ho there’ MOTHERFUCKER!”

It’s too bad that the Schumacher who made Lost Boys and Flatliners didn’t show up to make a Batman movie. Say what you will about those films, but they look excellent.

Whenever someone mentions the law, I still like to slip in my best Stallone impression and go, “I AM THE LAW!”

some people on this thread would call you an evil troll for not getting on board with “the message”. They know you’re wrong and you’re opinion is wrong and you should feel bad about it because they’re right, like they always are.

I had a friend with a cane who referred to himself as “a cripple”.

They’ve decided that words that mean things are offensive once they’ve bee around long enough, then they use another word until the next generation find it offensive because that’s why life is all about, dissatisfaction and the desire to pin the blame on something easily martyred.

As I recall the whole point was to make the rich spoiled lady clean his house and take care of his brats. Not a great thing to do either, but less icky.

I watched 4 seasons of Alias and that Electra movie. She’s getting exactly the sort of roles she deserves. Problem is, Ben Affleck is constantly going up and down, depending on how much boozing he’s doing lately....

People in their early 50's looked like the spectre of death back when Spider-Man was created in the 60's.

Now that I’ve seen the movie I can confirm she does indeed look like someone’s Aunt. It’s not like she’s still in her 30's or something....

I only promise to read the thesis sentence of each paragraph and skip down to the comments. Plus anything italicized, I might skim that. But no fuckin way am I reading retweets....

Do you see the traffic on the Kanye articles? It may only still be 15% of the diqus traffic back in the day, but it’s 50 times as many comments as any of their video posts. They HAVE to keep talking about him, people got wise to the “Trumps such an idiot he puts KETCHUP ON A HOT DOG!” filler posts, and Kanye is

She only wants to hire people like herself that’s she comfortable working around, goody for her. Give her a medal.

I have “Serialization fatigue”... it’s when you start seeing how all these long running stories are nothing but a House of Cards and it takes a lot of willing suspension of disbelief and reserves of goodwill to continue viewing all the plates spinning as one coherent universe....

Hey, why the universe and everything it encompasses? Why not nothing instead of everything?

Too bad you didn’t ask me if I’d, “Like to know more?”... I could have hit ya back with a Starship Troopers quote....