
I think a new meme with this guy's face is in order.

Wonder what's that in his pocket...

That's because the roach is an extrasensorial creature. Its antennae can detect movement, vibrations and YES, even intent. Infact, the roach has a few sensors built in, despite the fact that they're so small and are made up of just a few proteins. Fun facts about them, check it out if you find a documentary.

Obviously came for the boobs. I stayed until the boobs made an appearance too.

If it's anything like the old, atmospheric Syndicate on the Mega Drive, I'm already hooked. Bionic body upgrades? YES please.

You think these dubs are bad? My aunt Edna made 8475$ from home selling jar pickles, JUST KIDDING, don't ban me!

Exactly ^, you cut me to it.

I only read "I wanted a bigger...", so I was on the fence about clicking the article title.

OF COURSE they're not camwhoring. They are honest, dignified, righteous and loyal women making a difference in the gaming community, whilst making an honest buck. Tara BabCOCK especially embodies the true essence of nerdiness and gaming culture.

You are ALL banned to only playing Flower on the PS3!

The skill tree in FFX gave me the greatest headaches I ever had. I was in love with it.

That's it, I'm filing for divorce.

That pink Nintendo64 is gorgeous, I definitely want one. And I'm a guy.

I am proud to say I just finished this game and I'm still a proud straight male.

Do you often engage in sexual activity with multiple female partners that you pick up in bars using witty, cocky and funny lines? If so, how many points per woman?

Not to piss on everyone's parade or anything, but this just doesn't look appealing in the slightest unless you have a white empty room to game in. Also, if it requires a projector (alas, a 1080p one for heightened immersion) the COSTS would be mind-blowing, not the "possible applications of this tech—hinted at in the

Awww man, that's amazing!!!

Is masturbation even a sin? Which is worse? Masturbating to ladies in your imagination or fapping in front of your Xbox? We live in a complicated world full of twisted perspectives.

Damn, my fiancee only plays that stupid Pioneer Trail thing on Facebook. Could've been worse though.

This new FFX Lulu is beautiful!