
Handsome black Link, 12'o'clock !

In no way does Lightning wear slutty clothes like that. She's a soldier in FFXIII, and she also dresses and talks like a soldier. I was sickened and disgusted upon seeing her in that skimpy outfit.

First time I hear your voice, Mr. Brian. I don't know why I imagined you have more of a Mick Jagger voice.

Buririanutoooooooooo !

Ah yes, dearest could I forget ? :(

I love all you guys. Just putting that out there.

None of the hyper-sexualized ladies for me, thank you. Just Alyx Vance, a woman with dignity. That will be all.

Finally, a reason to put curtains in the basement.

They are not forcing multiplayer down your throats. Just. Stop. PLEASE.

I applaud you on a magnifficent job ! I dabble in Master difficulty myself, although not without fully upgraded dragon or daedric gear. When the going gets tough, I switch back to Adept difficulty. Those pesky skeevers put on a good fight! Just kidding ! :)

The painful break-up between Chell and GlaDOS really struck a chord in me. I had gotten so attached to GlaDOS in vegetable mash-up of story, voice acting, visuals and music. Valve, I'll forever hold your portal gun. You can have my sword.

I remember you. You're that girl who plays on the most hardcore, unforgiving difficulty in Skyrim, right ? Avoiding anything that could seriously aid you against any enemy encounters ? Keep up the good work, it'd be nice to hear how you're progressing !

Never made it past level 18 on the NES. Today, I still have exciting drunk Tetris battles with a childhood friend of mine. I'll never be as good as I was in my young days, though.


When I was young, I fried two motherboards in two days dicking around with BIOS voltage settings. My mom damn nearly killed me, because computers back then cost a fortune.

Schlong Raider ?

Exactly. I got used to the students blowing their brains out after the first few monster encounters. I spent a few hundred hours on that game.

They reffer to themselves as "bushmen". There is nothing offensive about this term. It is also used by the tribes and population of Australia as a whole.