
Ah, yes, the japanese ancient katana. Few customs are as beautiful nowadays as making these slick serpents of death.

When I die, and I will eventually die, I want to DIE suffocated with my face between Mariah's babylons. That will be all.

This game already has me in its clutches. I clucked in about one hour of gameplay.

It's times like these that make me sad I'm no good at Photoshop. Sigh...

You can be all that you want to be...A friend of mine is a heavy daedric armor nord with a 100 points Block skill. The guy actually showed me a special move called Bandit Touchdown. You just hold Block and sprint head on with your badass daedric shield into a group of bandits and watch them go off like ping pong

Let us all rejoice in this wonderful event and hope that somehow, along his marriage, the groom won't find his princess in another castle !

People playing D&D out in the street ?

Somehow, I always figured you to be the bow using type. Don't know why.

What can be better in this world than conjuring Mehrunes-Motherfucking-Dagon ?!?

God damn it man, you're already hearted. Kotaku, I urge you to implement a double-heart system for situations such as these.

No need to apologise for length. It was quite the good read. I remember there was a time in 2008 when the same level of maturity that you presented in this post was commonly shown by every other user, starred or not. As time passed, the community got desensitized somehow and I can not, for the life of me, figure out

I didn't even read the title all the way through. I just saw K-On! goodness and smashed head first right into this article.

Yeah, yeah, ok, ok. I hearted you, just stop with the good points already.

Last Blade ? That'll be the day. You might as well go back and say you want Samurai Showdown in HD.

Good God man, those japanese women are adorable. If only the stupid spoiled bimbos in my country would stop plagueing Facebook with horrid renditions of the duck face. Sigh...

My God man, you live in the same place as those abominations ?

Jesus Christ man, she looks just like my ex, only her hair is shorter. Hey...WAIT JUST A GOD DAMN MINUTE.

I'm sorry, but I all I want now is a HD remake of Art Of Fighting 3. Then my life shall be complete.

True enough, sir. True enough...

Call in the Peta extremists ! This is an outrage !