
Bayonetta and her costume were designed by a woman.

I can't believe someone else is doing this. I even hoard repeats. I made it my goal when I started the game to find EVERY book in Skyrim and store them all in a big house. I'm curious...will they fit ?

Curse you man, I burst out laughing and damn nearly pissed myself. My boss turned a frowned face, though if I show him this he'll fire my ass for innefficiency.

Are you JanusZeal from the PWI forums ? If that's you, I'm glad to see you here. :)

It's a whole different graphics engine. Skyrim runs on a heavily modified Gamebryo engine , from what I've gathered, and Battlefield 3 runs on the Frostbite 2 engine, which is vastly optimized for DX11 and fairly new.

Could anyone here get me an exec job in Kyoto ? It took me ten years to finish highschool, but I finally did it.

Someday, you'll be thrown into a world FULL of mods, little fella. The world is waiting for you. :)

Microsoft did it again ! The Xbox Rrodney couldn't have come sooner !

Oh, they're sisters...Now I see their dialog in a whole new perspective. I'm a sucker for well written stories and the bonds siblings share in general. That makes me want to play the game even more, if I ever get the chance. Clocked in 400+ hours in FFX and have yet to finish it.

I never played FFXIII before, Lightning actually having a romantic relationship with that girl in the picture ? Is the game really that awesome ?

Dude, you mean I'm not real ? Can't tell if you're serious, Kirk.

This is actually really good, thank you sir for a nice read !

"The CGI machine is broken again !!! Here come the fucking dragons ! Oh no !

Man, I never saw her until now. I always imagined she would be beautiful, but damn...she is a godess among women. Good ol' Robin must be damn proud.

I actually second Batousai's take on your work. Keeping EVERYTHING gaming related is short-sighted to say the least. The articles about Japan's latest tech, cosplay, lifestyle, merchandise and whatnot add value to the gaming related articles, baking everything into a nice, uniform information cake.

I'm really digging the game PETA made. I'm gonna wait for the inevitable GOTY edition on Steam.

By the Nine...she hold the World in her hands. Quick, my dragon ! To Winterhold !

How about Silent Hill with a Shirtless Woman ? That'll scare the guys' pants off.

Man, that Link in the last picture looks fuckin' PISSED ! What's putting me off even more is that Zelda's face, it's horrible. She looks old and lacks that innocent Zelda posture.

Currently level 27 Khajit male. Heavy armor, Restoration, Destruction, Archery, One-handed, blacksmithing. I am literally blown away by the lore and sidequests. I have collected and read more than 100 books and I have all the volumes in the "Biography of Barenziah", one of my favorite series of books from Oblivion.