
I love my Vita and, while I'm absolutely glad I got it at launch, I do have to say that from mid 2012 to late 2013 I was kinda having the SLIGHTEST bit of buyers remorse, though still enjoying the console overall.

In that case, I'd make it EXTREMELY clear that my seeing doesnt equate to agreement but don't stop what you're doing if it works for you.

I do the same, but if people get frustrated or antsy, I just tell them to be calm. They are (potentially) important too, but I'm busy and have other things or people to attend too. Or I'll jut say "I saw it. I didn't feel like talking." But usually I give some form of acknowledgement.

But they'd be LESS anxious if the other person just never looks at their message but posts or continues to use Facebook/Twitter/etc.?

I always think it's weird when people want to hide the fact that they've seen something and aren't responding.

I believe many freemium devs even refer to them as "whales".

There are absolutely ways to have a free-to-play game work really well without trying to goad people with addictive personalities to waste money on your game, and PvZ2 is an excellent example of that, but there's also the argument that people are willing to

I've totally seen Brock Lesnar fly or blow up a planet.

The writing seems to be severely lacking here. The plot is butt - a poor Batman could make a fantastic point of reference off of which a story could be built, but this just seems to try to juxtapose a gimmick into the existing universe. Plus the city is forcing him to either destroy it or turn it into an insane

The first game to ever scare me was Siphon Filter on PS1 when the guy runs from the train crash and is on fire. I was 7 or 8 though.

Games can make me jump, but I never feel fear anymore and I almost miss it. I ruin everybody else's fun because everyone is afraid and laughing and I'm stone faced, and sometimes even bored, during horror films. But scary games can still get me a bit because I can place myself in the situation... but I always have the

Megaman Battle Network 4 was rated E and had the word "Damn" and I was pretty surprised by that. I was 11 at the time, and half-swears like damn and hell weren't a big deal, but the fact that I was playing a game I knew was rated E, and had a younger audience, threw me off.

The worst part is that the next one was called "iPad with Retina" even though the previous one had the retina screen.

The hardware comes in to flavors: standard-sized and XL (which is called "LL" in Japan, because there is no "XL" clothing size). These units are slightly different dimensions from the previous hardware.

ostensibly means "perhaps, but not actually"

I'm not SUPER worried about it. I do still have my Wii and even have games to beat still there so overall I'm content... Modern gaming has just put me in game hoarder mode and I NEED TO COLLECT ALL OF THE GAMES BECAUSE I'LL EVENTUALLY PLAY THEM ALL RIGHT?!

Too many games for consoles I already have... Maybe at some point (when the inevitable WiiU slim comes out) but right now I don't have the need for another box on my TV stand.

I don't have a WiiU and can't play it AND the publisher may or may not can it due to potentially low sales.


I can't unsee this! What have you done!?!

Bayonetta 2 | Wii U

If you want Sleeping Dogs, get it BEFORE you play GTAV. I tried playing it again after and it's no longer as fun. The story and variation of the GTA formula are excellent, but the world is NOT so exciting. Sleeping Dogs is much more rewarding if you play it linearly than if you try to explore the subpar world.