
“Make the world glow” is better than wearing a mask and social distancing for a few months until we get a vaccine.


In order for the 25th amendment gambit to work, Pence would have to agree to it. I don’t see Vice-President Fly Perch going for the power grab this close to the election. If they try it and it fails, it will just cement the Trump supporters sense of aggrieved persecution. This is the shittiest season of Game of

All the time, and the one’s they (republicanazi’s) point to (antifa) are mere bogeyman.

I can’t say I’m surprised to see Trump’s campaign burning down around him, but I didn’t expect anything quite like this.

I just want to thank you for that delightful and evocative use of the word “lumbered”.

After the veep debate, I really really wish moderators had the ability to just switch off mics. 

Ever notice how there are no left wing crazy groups attacking shit all the time?

Can someone smarter than me explain wtf Nancy is doing? Because it feels like political theatre that we really dont need right now

I feel we both know the answer is no... 

Even before COVID, I would prefer an open air gym to an indoor gym any day. 

Tell me again why we need Facebook?

We had a bunch of gym rats protest the closing of their gym earlier this doing exercises outside of it proving they didn’t need the gym in the first place.

Well I am SHOCKED he looks exactly as I pictured him.  Nice sneer jackass....those jug handles are gonna be popular in prison.

They wouldn’t, they would just call him homophobic slurs. 

I’m surprised he didn’t say she was going to kidnap Donny. Projection is all they have.

Victim Blaming: Standard Excuse #3.

The affidavit exposes the misogynistic undercurrents of a militia that ostensibly aimed to form a “self-sufficient” society that ...

And they would be the first to condemn the woman for not wanting to spend the next 9 months pregnant as selfish. 

Closing bars and requiring a piece of cloth be worn in public to protect citizens from actually dying = tyranny