Deal Killer - Powered by Audi

Interesting car, way too small for anything but weekend jaunts along country roads.

You could always buy the most recent generation of the Transit Connect as a passenger van.

As noted by other commenters, there are other electric Rav-4's out in California land that have fewer miles and are priced lower. Based upon that, the seller is in CP territory. Drop the price by about $3,000, and it may be a deal, but not at $18,500.

You’ve figured out my riddle!!

But what if you can dodge the wrench...???

And that date is saved on my DVR now. It should be a fun watch.

1980's E-150 Work Van..

I wonder, with the new tax laws in 2018, will the buyer be able to right that $300,000 purchase off as a charitable donation like buyers did in past years?

You just have to drive the right car when doing it.

My resolution for this year is to have an instrument panel free of warning lights. This means a new thermostat, air filter and abs sensors in the very near future.

That, and if you default on a car loan, it’s repossessed in a matter of weeks/months. A home takes years to foreclose on, and by then it can be pretty wrecked.

I’m not going to cry, I swear I’m not. I just have to go out and pat my POS Focus on the hood and apologize for the worn suspension, warped brake rotors and exhaust leak I haven’t gotten around to fixing, yet. I’m so, so sorry.

Back in the day, I would put together some monster mix tapes of all my fav’s. My kids look at them now, and wonder what all the fuss was about, as Spotify is their go-too source for most of their music. But, man, mix tapes took effort, and you’d really have to think about what music to put in, so it didn’t break the

The new 2018 Lexus RX-L. Now, Cylon approved!

The appraiser side of me had to go looking for some comps to see what something similar has sold for, and look what I found on BaT

Well, apparently if your cheap and want the base model Regal, you can have it in white, white or white. Silver is a $395 option.