Obama breathes air. Why are they still doing the same? Don’t they all insist on doing everything opposite of Obama?
Obama breathes air. Why are they still doing the same? Don’t they all insist on doing everything opposite of Obama?
It still applies to the White House, sadly.
I just knew this joke was going to bite the author in the butt.
RoboKiller is wonderful. Seeing that face show up on my lock screen to indicate a blocked call, as opposed to hearing it ring, is music to my ears. The new radio feature for listening to recorded answer bots is a great touch, too.
Fuck this piece of slime sideways. I fear it won’t be long until one of these parents gets murdered by a Patriot(TM). There’s just no justice in this damn country.
your favorite President!
When they go Sweet’N Low, we go high?
Something something fuck electric cars something something fuck global warming.
Next up: Amish Uber Eats
Like hell he wrote that tweet. “Diverted” is way too big of a word for him. He probably only gave recommendations on which words to capitalize.
That’ll work!
I think it’s about time Alex Jones puts out his own app to alert his cult to anything the government is about to do. That’s assuming, of course, that Apple and Samsung aren’t run by the government as well and won’t consider sabotaging this app.
If you listen closely, you can actually hear “Sad!” at the very end.
Yep yep yep! He only cares about Amazon when it’s making him money or making him look good. Other than that, he’s fine with them dying in a fire as long as Bezos is around to have his newspaper say “mean” things about him.
If Obama had seen a Trump presidency coming, I wonder if he would’ve instead established shitty policies just so that Trump can flip them around to make them good. Trump probably wouldn’t care too much about the outcome as long as he still got to do something about Obama’s policies.
Nah, that’s his latest lie detector test results.