Just need a Benson & Hedges to really get that train going!
It could be worse - you could have quoted some shit from Jezebel!
A round of product testing will take place in Indonesia
I bet Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug campaign would have been much more effective if the catchphrase had been Just Say No Thanks!
Pair one of these oily coffees with big helping of escolar, and I bet you’d wish you’d eaten an entire bag of olestra chips instead!
No fucking thanks.
Not all! One of my ‘73 Squarebacks slowly & gracelessly rusted away until the late 90s, yet it sold in less than a week after putting an ad in the Little Nickel (a western Washington classified ads paper, even then already a relic).
Use it or lose it. Good luck with a parking brake that you haven’t used in years.
Same here.
That’s absolutely disgusting, and I wish I could say I’m surprised.
Or Jimmy Nardellos! They’re mild, but good. Let ‘em go & they’ll get pretty big.
Catholics just loooove themselves some transubstantiation!
I got a chuckle out of that pairing, too
You mean to tell me “cut it large, and kick it into place” doesn’t always work?!
You should demand a refund of your entire goddamn subscription cost, motherfucker.
I’ve often used (123) 456-7890 when places offer a discount for joining a loyalty program. A couple cashiers have expressed amazement that I’ve such an unlikely number, but I’ve never had any commentary on the name accompanying it - Occam S. Razor.
Erin, I think you need better bait - only a couple of morons have taken it so far.
(Your area code) 867-5309 works in a hell of a lot of stores too, Jenny.