
Another banner day for Elon Musk, the smartest man alive.

There seems to be a great deal of thirst for this movie to do poorly. I can’t tell if it’s fans of The Flash, Black Adam, and the incredibly successful DCPU or just the usual mix of racism and misogyny that makes the Internet wonderful... All I know is that when I don’t want something to succeed, I just... don’t

They... did, though? Alaqua Cox was born Deaf and is of the Menominee and Mohican nation, born and raised on the Menominee Reservation.

It's a very difficult power to film correctly. You need a talented martial artist to play the character and a really good stunt choreographer that can work in multiple styles that actually look different to the average TV viewer.  Then you need writers to actually include it as part of the story.  

To quote Roger Ebert, no good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.

I mean, those powers are cool. The only reason to drop them is a “we already have Taskmaster at home”.  

Swordsman especially got a lot of build-up for nothing.

Lawrence—who was also behind the camera for all four original Hunger Games films”

The Departed is marky-markedly inferior to Infernal Affairs.

I think the problem Let Me In had is that we all saw Let the Right One In a mere two years earlier.

People are fed up with the current formula, and I’d suggest the descent into outright comedies has probably hastened this.

While Rockstar’s Max Payne 3 offered a shooter experience more resonant with contemporary third-person shooters—witness its tighter, “over-the-shoulder” aiming and cover mechanics, for example—the older games, having been released in 2001 and 2003, were uninfluenced by the trends established by Gears of War and Reside

So....this is clickbait, right? Because you’re very consciously presenting just one side of a debate (the unambiguous apparent victim: Izzy fans) and totally ignoring/dismissing any and all of the massive context that does not support that victimization narrative. The cleverest thing in here is how the apparent

I’m trying to be even-headed about this, but it’s just such a wild way to talk about things - I don’t think I’ve ever seen the implication that “parasocial fans” are anything other than a negative, a blight, before this.

One should always be dismissive about fandom. Fanatics don’t get to control properties.

The discourse around his “disability” feels rather overblown. It’s a pirate show and he got a peg leg. It was not meant to be some treatise on ableism. That said I understand why people are upset about it for various reasons, but as some of those comments alluded to, that’s life, and sadly shitty things happen to good

I was fine with it. Izzy was a good character but he had achieved redemption and completed his narrative arc. I get that some people really liked him and some identified with him but it’s a television show, this shit happens. It’s normal to be sad when a favorite character dies but this isn’t the first time and it

Stop promoting parasocial relationships when it suits you.

FWIW: OFMD started as black comedy, people were killed early on, people made jokes about doing horrible crimes, the romance side didn’t really start until the last couple of episodes of the 1st season.

Except Quidditch is stupid. Most of the game is irrelevant to the outcome. Almost every match is inevitably decided by whoever gets the snitch, seeing as that instantly ends the match and results in a 15 score swing in their favour.