
Therapy is a place where you’re supposed to be safe enough to reveal your honest feelings and impressions and thoughts not have them dragged out for the world to dissect and gossip over.

Explain to me how a new show featuring the same actor playing the same character as the original, continuing in the same universe and continuing the story from the original, is a REBOOT.

The Disney archives are amazing. They basically have every animation cell, background painting, maquette sculpture, and concept drawing going back 100 years.

Willing to bet it’s Redeemer.

I agree with Lee, and also think Grave of the Fireflies should have had a few minutes devoted to what Oppenheimer was up to.

No, Loki’s bouncing around within the TVA’s pocket timeline, which is outside all the others, enabling it to view them all and access them at any point in their history (much like how the Watcher operates). They said it’s not supposed to be possible to move back and forth in the TVA’s own internal history, but the

It’s a little startling to see the women sort of left to blame in this way, that they broke it all and it’s up to the men to fix it.”

huh? The entire episode is Loki screaming from the top of his lungs that “He who remains” is causing all of this and ending with him trying to find and save Slyvie. 

“Loki and Mobius, Space Time Buddy Cops” is not what we signed up for.

So this recap gets certain basic facts wrong (ie. Loki didn’t prune himself, at least not as far as we know, he was pruned by *someone* from behind just as he saw Sylvie. It’s possible it was future Loki but we don’t know that).

Abruptly, Loki warps back to his timeline, and realizes that a side effect of being at the end of time when it was broken means he’s being sucked into multiple timelines at random, and seeing things happening in both parallel dimensions and in the future.”

Plus, the game was an unknown gamble back then, too. The video game voice acing ‘industry’ was in its infancy. CD based games with the ability to have full voiced characters was less than 4 years old since the PS1 came out in 1994 and MGS was in development starting in 1995 with release in 1998. Previously, any

Changing from Openly racist behaviors and even changing perspective is a radically different thing that openly working towards equity and antiracism.

I think it comes down to what has a white person used their privilege or opportunities for once they’ve realized that their prior attitude was racist or wrong.

16, on

Evil is the best, I love it. It not only takes some genuinely hilarious and big swings, it feels like it’s having a whale of a time doing it. 

i mean even ‘legacy sequel’ as-is sounds better and explains what it is.

Better than “requels” like the people currently behind Scream seem to think is an actual term that a single person on Earth has ever used.

I assumed it was a one-and-done leading into the movie or a storyline on The Mandalorian, but I absolutely won’t say no to more.

It’s tough, because I assume the multimedia spectacle costs enough that you have to do X number of shows to make your money back. The Killers would be an obvious choice, but I don’t know if they could do 50 shows, or whatever.

It could be that they’re all just regular stormtroopers in janky armor, but that’s the least likely—and least interesting—explanation.

Audio engineer’s headphones definitely ARE just as good or better than high-end consumer speakers, and probably more expensive.

Hey, Pom. I’m Aussie, not a Seppo.