
To this day I still don’t quite understand why people think buying the odd studio and the odd bit of exclusivity is the same thing as buying one of the worlds leading publishers that contains 10s of studios and one of the biggest media properties within it.

Haha triggered Microsoft Fanbois are hilarious.

Say what you will about Warren Ellis’ on a personal level, but the previous series stood apart from all the other dumb video game adaptations out there mainly because of his skill as a writer and his signature brand of purple prose, cosmic horror, and theological pontificating. It was definitely a Warren Ellis jam

You are reading way way way too deep into that.

There was an exception in the contract for sole writers on tv shows that they don’t have to have a writer’s room.

Normal people: Isn’t it kind of weird that we’re just randomly lopping off dick parts without consent for no viable medical reason?

If you have foreskin you can just...wash your dick. You do know you’re still supposed to wash your dick even if you’re circumcised right?

Yep. It’s literal mutilation. And while there’s tons of religious and cultural baggage attached the practice, the reasons behind circumcision’s continued popularity in the (predominantly white, Christian) U.S. are extremely stupid. Namely: “150 years ago sex-obsessed cereal magnates thought it might discourage jerking

I mean , not really the place to protest it ,but guy’s not wrong . I’ll never understand why Americans seem to think they’re doing their kids a favour by lopping off foreskins at birth . Looking slightly aesthetically pleasing to some other people isn’t worth a body part that’s supposed to be as sensitive as your

Every gay person has watched thousands of hours of entertainment about straight people growing up and it didn’t make them straight. But religious conservatives are somehow convinced one frame of gayness will magically turn their straight kids gay.

I mean that’s fine - if we can get some more real IMAX screens. The IMAX at AMC stuff doesn’t count. I do plan on seeing Dune Part 2 on an IMAX. Heck maybe even more 70mm IMAX screens since they are few and far between. 

I’m really getting exhausted of these toxic narcissists who want us all to believe that whatever is ‘happening to them’ (DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THEY DID, mind you) can RANDOMLY happen to you! They are out there taking the slings and arrows FOR US. JFC, get bent!!

Yes I forgot about the famous opening narration Rick gives at the top of every intro episode.

That’s about as close as it can  get before going to AI. Performance seems to match too. We’ll if this new Rustin Joiland guy they hired will hold up for full episodes. 

If they can find a way to make it about class warfare, like maybe.  But still, without the mortal danger, that’s like Rocky without the boxing.

Put me down on team Neither Of You.  The Anti-Woke stuff is garbage, but your casual dismissal of a person also deserved to be called out.

EXACTLY! Every year or so I have to watch the same lame videos of really bad actors in obviously creepy scenes once again explain why I should not be a creep or molester and also, by the way, why I should not take or give bribes when I travel.

My sense from the statement is that Caine thinks of himself as a working actor, who likes to complete his task for the day with a minimum of fuss.  He isn’t seemingly one of those gross people who opposes intimacy coordinators because they, like, interfere with his ability to molest coworkers, but rather because they

What the fuck? “Don’t talk about how much you love your wife in case your ex hears” is certainly a take, I guess, especially from a man who has never married. Strong incel energy to be honest.

You like her for 15 minutes? Well, you’ll love her for two hours!”