
It’s not about whether or not head of Task Force X is a cushy job, it’s about whether the backers of said task force feel they can trust the person they put in charge of it.

That assumes being assigned to Task Force X was a cushy assignment in the first place. Sticking her in the basement to try to make something of the worst of the worst sure doesn’t sound like a high profile gig, but if she managed to make it an effective tool, then she could rise with it.

I just don’t see what the Xenomorphs do that the Brood couldn’t

Unless you’re specifically referring to the inheritance of superpowers, that idea predates Ellis. Alien³ had the xenomorph as a quadruped after being hosted in a dog (or ox, depending on which version you watch), as opposed to the bipedal version birthed from a human in Alien.

Warren Ellis did once have xenomorphs kill off half of StormWatch (the survivors would soon go on to become The Authority). Weirdly, it was in WildCATs/Aliens, so technically it wasn’t even a StormWatch crossover.

They have, although not very often. Captain Marvel was up against them in a big arc just last year.

That’s apparently when the extended versions are due.

Yeah. Way too often there’s an already very lengthy sequence of John taking out a roomful of goons in his signature style, only for a second wave to immediately charge in and he has to do the exact same thing all over again. It doesn’t matter how good the individual action beats are, that gets monotonous.

To the best of my knowledge neither Rebel Moon movie has received a proper theatrical release

It’s an unpopular opinion, but I agree.

Nah. I’m pretty sure it went something like this:

If you just want to see the big flashy action scenes, probably best to wait for the extended cuts. At least then you’ll get the whole of the big flashy action scenes, instead of the PG-13 versions.

A crucial scene between our heroes gets overly repetitive and frustratingly bloated when every single character gets their own flashback, told one after the other.

Rogue One is not perfect by any means, but it’s solid entertainment and easily the best Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi, maybe even The Empire Strikes Back. It’s just that Andor is so extraordinarily good that, to be honest, I would go even further than you: it absolutely is the single best thing Star Wars

It’s so good that it’s almost a pity that Rogue One is the finale. Rogue One was pretty good, but it wasn’t Andor good.

When that evil is presented as cool...

Comic book Kamala is an Inhuman because it provided a convenient excuse to skip past an elaborate origin for her powers (which is the part of the reason why Stan Lee came up with mutants in the first place). She was an Inhuman rather than a mutant because Ike Perlmutter was pissed Fox had the X-Men movie rights. She

So [Wells] was like, ‘Fuck, I’m the guy that drew the short straw? People are going to be very mad that I have to kill Ms. Marvel.’

By comparison, any fight I’ve seen with live-action Ahsoka is slow and terrible.

I thought it was the other way around. You keep people from getting raises by insisting it’s one season, but splitting into two parts, released months apart.