Nice product placement / infomercial / YouTube comedy mashup.
Nice product placement / infomercial / YouTube comedy mashup.
You thought it was great that a man did it?
Honestly, people would reply in detail. But it's a losing battle dealing with someone with too much time on their hands on the internet. Not necessarily a troll, but saying things like "I'm sure as hell not being immature enough to showcase a prejudicial opinion. Grow up." to someone who just says people who have…
It's a marketing trick. It's also true. It impresses people who don't stop to think that the iPhone 5 is not the original model. It's more deceptive than it needs to be. #nuffsaid
Hey, you're the one getting personal. Not that what you said made much sense.
Cause everyone knows that buying all Apple products means you have the most discriminating and most interesting tastes to share with the world in an article. *yawn*
Is that like WordPerfect or something? :-)
Yeah, I question whether anyone would have "paranoia", even of this limited kind, if the cops weren't out to get them (and blow their buzz).
What I got from this story: scientists started with quite a bias, that pot effects were at all similar to psychosis in schizophrenia (and bipolar disorder). I guess I can't blame them too much, since they are likely not schizophrenic potheads. But they obviously proved their own hypothesis/bias wrong when they…
Most of those aren't popular enough to have a root method. Just search for it on xda.
You'd know. You'd get a superuser request prompt.
The master password is your OS X or Windows login. Use it appropriately. Encrypt your home folder, or your whole hard drive. And stop complaining.
I agree.
I know their customers are gullible but...please...don't give Apple any ideas.
Oh, not at all. The terminology gets confused all the time. There are wired repeaters in an all wired networks. This article is discussing wireless repeaters, using Wi-Fi to connect two network devices, with one acting as router and the other as a repeater. Then there are access points, which you are interested in,…
To sum up, buy a badass ASUS router for cheap on Newegg, flash dd-wrt if you want, and call it a day.
In that case it's called a Wireless Access Point (WAP or AP).
Not for people who buy phones that get updates. You act like all Android users are one person.
It's not so bad compared to being stuck with nothing but rows of icon's on a small screen for 6 years. Could be worse.