
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The Real America in all its repulsive, greedy, self-obsessed, deplorable glory.

Scalpers deserve jail time. Change my mind.

I’d be willing to bet none of them were buying cards for themselves, or for children they knew. Just another hobby ruined by scalpers in the great 2020/21 scalping depression.

Ebay, resale, flipper, dick nose, assholes.

Right next to all the articles about how Marvel is going to fire Brie Larson any day now...

Nah, they’re pretty hateful espcially when she doubled on them and went on Fox News and the like to complain about being censored. So fuck her

Running joke where every episode another squadron gets new T-70 X-Wings while they're stuck with their T-65s. 

Alleged? It was flat out one of the cultiest cults to ever cult. She was one nasty and cruel  old lady, who just happened to have amazing PR covering her.

You mean other than to her career with Disney?

Just get Appa from Kim’s Convienance to return as Teva and you’re golden.

I was saying Boo-urns.

Why not? It’s a perfectly cromulent word.  

But I was saying "Boo-urns" 

Nonsense. It gets just the right amount of milage.


I can’t tell if you’re a troll or you actually think you’re helping. If it’s the latter, just know that you aren’t. At the very least you’re watering down the weight of accusations re bad behavior, by bringing it up where there’s no evidence to support it. 

I’m so sick of of these creeps that I just have such a low level of giving a fucks if I offend their reputation. I don’t even feel like apologizing for my rage anymore.

I do.

And this is the heart of the problem. Zack things superheroes should be gods. Also punching is what all heroes do in fights. When Superman used his freeze breath, I was momentarily stunned because other then punching and lasering shit with his eyes, I’d forgotten Supes had other powers. 

I genuinely can not stand his quasi-deconstructionist take on the DC universe.