I can confidently say that won’t happen.
I can confidently say that won’t happen.
Would you believe they ARE selling Trump and MAGA branded masks? At least a Google search claims so. I am not clicking any of those links. Though I’ll probably be hit with ads now anyway just for searching.
Because the GOP is now a cult of personality. They refuse to mask because Trump refuses to mask. More than anything and regardless of how many people it kills, they want that economic bounce just before the election. So that means hardcore pretending COVID-19 just doesn’t exist anymore. They are actively…
Pretty sure there’s only one true statement on that shirt. As for the rest..
More arrogance than incompetence. They probably assumed they owned the court now and should HAVE to try. Roberts is reminding them that they have to at least do the homework before he’ll wield the rubber stamp.
Or to put it a different way: Why does she think messing with her food would take any extra time?
Probably. I laughed at the Evangelicals when they said Trump was sent by God, but it turns out they might have been right.
I suppose it’s too much to ask that a packed arena of MAGAssholes literally shouting the virus at him will finally kill him, isn’t it?
“Forbidden” doesn’t mean you can’t go there. It means you’re not supposed to.
It’s tribalism. Pretty much all of what Christians in America call “religious freedom” is really just the freedom to discriminate. To exclude. Because when everybody around them believes what they believe, looks like they look, etc. It’s comfortable. It’s safe.
This guy: “Black Lives Matter? Not to ME they don’t!”
I haven’t tried it myself. The thing that seems weird to me is the shoulder button for run-down / crouch. I’m so used to using circle/B for that I’d probably dodge myself off a few cliffs before I managed to get used to this.
Odyssey is a strange addition, even for a series so willing to play with its own formula constantly. It was weird, to begin with, that following a game called “Origins” they went even farther back in history. So it kind of makes sense you don’t feel like an Assassin. It’s the first game in the series not to let the…
Easy solution that words for all humans: Make them RED!
This seems like a fun game. Here’s my submission:
He doesn’t hold one degree in anything that has anything to do with money, the economy, addition, subtraction, eBay, nothing. In fact, his only degree is from the University of Rochester, where he studied...history, and yet here he is as the head of the National Economic Council in Trump’s administration. So why not…
Yeah, how could anyone ever fall for that bullshit line? Transparency? When your access to ride along with the police, and thus the existence of your show, depends on the police?
It’s actually not a joke. The point of bringing up someone with lesser offenses is it highlights the absurdity of the “he was no angel” excuse whenever a black man is killed by police or private citizens claiming self-defense.