Daily Drives a Dragon - ripOPPO

Completely sketchy, but man that hood would be some awesome garage decor

Didn’t Jason write something with a similar technique about making games based on herding autonomous cars by covering certain sensors.

I’ll be interested to see how good you think control of the triggers will be in terms of how accurate they are.

I think you just needed to vent.

But if they were to have such advanced technology, then they surely would have figured out a better solution. Even though it might be more fun, there is still the issue of practicality. They would have come up with a better way. At least I hope.

You’re very welcome

It might run better than any of his Jeeps.

I’m personally shocked it’s available for OSX.

Yeah. It’s effectively the same pattern as well.

It’s probably the same process that they used on those Liberty Walk GTRs that were floating around this time last year.

You’re not helping.

No. Not at all.

Chill bro. There was nothing in my comment that was attacking Patrick or the FP or anyone. There was nothing in my thought process even remotely similar.

I just didn’t see it mentioned in the article so I figured I would add it.

His username over on OPPO is BeauM I think.

It’s just on bags. Maybe broke an air line and accidentally laid the car out.

Is it bad that I really really like the TRD Prius?

But do normal people confuse pelicans with seagulls? or do they confuse it with insurance fraud?

It’s a new kind of hybrid. It’s a car and a building.

Nothing too interesting. An Alpina B7 and an old Datsun were the highlights of what I could get pics of