Daily Drives a Dragon - ripOPPO

It’s almost like putting a few sentences through Google Translate a couple times.

Well yes, but look at his cabinet.

Ahh but then you could brick the gas and still be going the perfect parade speed.

I... i think it’s sagging in the middle

It’s better than a limo because it’s a shuttle. That must have been why I didn’t see it. I just searched “limo”

Feel every bump. Yeah.

I must have missed that little detail of it being disabled.

My most important question is how that little yellow/white ship (rebel blockade runner I think?) was able to push the star destroyer. It just doesn’t look like it would have the power.

Look how tiny it is!

Thank you. If I wanted to listen to people talking, I’d listen to a podcast or NPR. And a few of the XM play stupid morning shows too.

I quite like it when Mercedes owners put little wreaths on the hood ornaments

So we have or have not hit rock bottom yet?

Also attempting to drive up the peak in a completely unsuited vehicle is quite an entertaining challenge.

I put it up on OPPO too. And im totally going to look at that candle store tomorrow.

And I’ll be waiting... Cash and tissue box in hand.

And new Land Cruisers.

I’m currently about a mile away from this. Might just have to go look.

In regards to the Horizon 3 teaser of a Porsche, this is all you get.

Also I struggle to use the push button start. it makes no sense to me.

Well then they should get rid of the bins and give more headroom when you stand up.