
I don’t where you live but in Texas a bicycle is a vehicle and has a right to an entire lane. Cars are required to change lanes to pass. Bascally the same rights as a car.

Angry mobs can’t take his license away. The medical board will investigate if someone files a complaint. They are the only ones who can take his license away.

Or controled out of her mind and afraid to leave

We don’t know when this “romantic” relationship started only when the pic was found. She could have been 16 and fucking her mother’s boyfriend.

Let’s not forget a civil trial preceded the criminal trial in the Pill Cosby case. The civil trial provided evidence to help bring the charges, once his enablers were removed.

Agree with the first part, totally disagree with the last part. Twigs was not the one.

Does this guy still have a license to practice medicine? Why didn’t the University turn it over to the police?

She has claimed in the past to multiple personality disorder. I’m sure she’ll use it as an excuse for this. I hope no one picks up the show.

The California Medical Board would have investigated this asshole had one of his patients reported him there.

In a perfect world Weinstien will then be escorted to LA and turned over to police there for processing and then escorted to London and handed over to Scotland Yard. And his brother will be charged as well. In a perfect world. But we live in a patriarchy so I’m not expecting much, especially on NYC with Cy Vance still

This could work! They’re not getting their guns taken away but paying to keep them is a great idea. And the monetary penalty for the gun being used in crime should be enormous. The rates should be based on tyle of gun making owning an assault rifle really expensive.

And he has a reputation for being an asshole to everyone not a Director.

You have every right to ask for a copy of your medical records and don’t have to give a reason. They can charge for the copies though.

This needs to come out of the pocket of each and every enabler that allowed that monster to sexually abuse young girls. I want them all fired as well.

This administration doesn’t care about the jews, they care about Jesus’ homeland. Where he will return to and take them to their everlasting peace. No one else matters.

Solange’s music > Beyonce’s music.

Your last paragraph explains my feelings toward her perfectly.

She married him for the money to start her business.. Her intentions all along. No sympathy for her.

You don’t read the gossip sites I take it. She’s fake and a defender of rapists and other horrible people. She’s also never been pregnant and has handed “her” kids over to others to raise. She’s every bit as shitty as he is.

He pled guilty and fled the country before sentancing.