
Something they’ll never get because they’re not hot daughters.

Just out of curiousity, anyone know how many of the people in this photo are still employed by him?

They get money from somewhere - the singer has, like, 18 kids.

Uh,no. Kobe’s attorney (and many fans) bullied and harassed her into not testifying. The DA then dropped the case for that reason.

“Brett Ratner’s lawyers ask Judge for permission to bully and badger rape accuser”

They pass that abuse on down the line. I worked for a woman who went to Catholic schools 1 -12 and she was ruthless once she picked a target. She had her favorite (the one who kissed her ass) and they decided who was next. Bullied, humiliated, yelled at, lied about, took away “priviledges” (no more flex hours for the

Two words: Javier Fernandez.

Uh no. There is regularly urine in the elevators at the train station I used to use (i stopped riding the train for this reason). There is no outrage about it. There is no attempt to stop it.

100% this. She was the star, eventually became a producer but she needs others to speak out on her behalf becauseKim has loads of support.

Are you thinking SJP doesn’t have assistants?

This sounds very, oh whats the word, Soviet? Bread lines, rations, etc.

Also, surely she knows who Kim’s manager and/or agent is and could have sent a private note that way.

Domestic violence only harms those in that household. So not a threat to people at large. Hence, “its not our problem” attitude of police, lawmakers and judges.

Any idea how I can make this stop showing up. Is it an ad?

If he was a God King he’d be the best God King ever. The best ever. Everyone knows he’d be the greatest God King. Ever. The greatest. /s

I know everyone’s anxiety manifests itself differently but, for me, this seems like a horrible idea. I have GAD and I couldn’t have something like this on me while trying to relax. Give me light and fluffy so I can eacape easily in an emergency.

I know everyone’s anxiety manifests itself differently but, for me, this seems like a horrible idea. I have GAD and

They believe because Tdump said so.

I’m a normie and I do this. I don’t want interaction with people unless necessary.

Go to the police? Why? Telling a subordinate you’ll give them a better job if they blow you isn’t illegal. Sexual harrassment at work isn’t illegal. She did everything she could have, left and sued in civil court.

Some of us “older” generation of women suffered and DID speak up but nothing was done about the abuser. There are many younger women who aren’t speaking up. Don’t be an ageist.