
Right. Sort of like that girl whose band can’t get booked anymore because she wrote a letter of support for rapist Brock Turner. Maybe if Diane’s career tanked she’d think differently.

Your last sentence. Very much so.

I pay $13 per month for streaming, not $7.

Starting with a civil suit for “filing a false report” against him. Do something to that asshole, he’s got a lesson to learn. Also, you have the police as witnesses.

Likely scenario: he gets a trial that his parents have to testify at and they claim its being made out to be worse than it was. He gets community serve and is released back into society.

The Dude would approve.

I thought Jaed Leto was his BFF?!?

I think 900turbo were snarking.

Hoda was caught leaving the building and asked (by paps) if she had a message for Matt. Her response was “love you, Matt”. I would clean house and get rid of everyone who knew anything and supported Lauer. including Guthrie and Hoda.

Did they expect different? Every time he opens his mouth he is ignorant, narcissistic and stupid.

Can confirm. I grew up in Westworth Village right next door to River Oaks in Fort Worth. When I first read this article I thought ‘when did they start building mansions in River Oaks?’ Then I thought the woman was probably picked up in one of the strip joints lining Jacksboro Highway.

One repug is on record saying thousands of african american voters from out of state were bussed in to vote.

No no no, God wanted him to win. Satan caused the voter fraud. /s

Streep claims to not have even heard about Harvey’s rapiness and other abuses. I doubt thats true, her unwillingness to come out and say she had heard the rumors but had never experienced it is why she keeps getting called out. They/we believe she is lying.

This isn’t so much blame shifting as it is “look, we’re taking it seriously. We’re putting rules in place. Aren’t we great!”. In truth, as in most industries, they’ll talk a good game and then ignore it until someone files a lawsuit with ironclad proof. I worked for the state of Texas for and there were all kinds of

Sorry, I’m out of the loop. Who is Haskell and what did he do to his daughter?

I know you’re being snarky but sexual assault and sexual harrassment is entertaiment for the perpetrators.

The people that write her songs are either dead or won’t work with her anymore. So....

Sure she was snowed by Swinestein himself but I can’t believe she never heard gossip from others. Also, nothing unusual about wearing black to a formal event. They need something else.

As a former employee of the State of Texas, I can tell you this guy is just one of many who bully employees and waste tax payer’s funds. It has nothing to do with his party affiliation and every thing to do with the abuse of authority within Texas State government that is allowed. From the Governor down to the VPs of