
Because he has daughters and they might come across men like him.

Is there a sugestion that Weistein had her killed?

Not everyone thinks he’s sexy. I think he’s ugly and know first hand that he’s full of himself. That said, I’ve never heard or read anything that suggests he’s a rapist/assaulter.

Does he still have a financial interest in the company?

The men that watch this sort of thing are the same men who need to learn this lesson.

Given that both make tips for income, I’m going to say no.

Did we work at the same place? Cuz this sh!t happened to me too. Gotta love the (state) government jobs. Hard to get fired indeed. That means the psychopaths and sociopaths can’t be fired either.

You victim blame and now want people laugh at your attempt at humor? F off.

Next victim.

All of these women who worked in the past and continue to work on his behalf need to be identified and named publicly.

Like Cosby’s victims, Rapp has been out there for years making it known about Spacey. I came across a message board on Data Lounge from 2011 where his abuses were being discussed. There have several people out about Spacey. Sexual Abuse just isn’t taken seriously. Also learned about one very famous actor who has not

Damn it Bianca, I’m shooting a nose spray ad tomorrow.

I’m not so sure. Ratner films really only appeal to a type that don’t care about this behavior. I think if anything they are jumping on the bandwagon but maybe they’d been looking for an excuse to get rid of him for other reasons.

The police who investigated Jackson may not have had jurisdiction to do anything. Sure they should have notified the police that did have jurisdiction but didn’t. Hopefully recent events will open their eyes but I’m not hopeful.

All this means is no one filed a police report or a lawsuit (a paper trail). In Hollywood there is no place (as there would be in any other workplace) to file a grievance. SAG needs to step up and do something here.

What did Ichael Moore do? You’d thunk he’d be on the right side of this.

If you believe the gossip, the gender of the victims is different. But all are young and unknown.

Corey didn’t “go to the police”. He was called in for questioning as a witness/possible victim during the Michael Jackson criminal investigation. He said Jackson never molested him but named those who did. Nothing was done because thats not what he was there for. They should have opened an investigation then but

Dude, no one’s “ignoring it”, we’re discussing men as the assaulters and abusers. If you want to discuss women as abusers I’m sure there are plenty of places others are discussing it. #redpiller

Wasn’t this girl 16 at the time? Surely that’s statutory rape. What’s the age of consent in NYC?