
She was also on that Amazon Prime show with Ted Danson, Jason Schwartzman and Zach Galifinakis. I don’t care for her myself but she and the Captain seems like a good pair.

What is the punisment for carrying and illegal “weapon” thats not a gun? I carried pepper spray in Boston, had to use it while being robbed and beaten in the foyer of my apartment. The police didn’t care. I was asked if I had a licesnse to carry it to which I answered “yes” but was never asked to provide proof.

See Cmdr Williams of Canada. After admitting to several breakins, rapes and 1 murder (all victims were women) his main concern was for his wife. I think its called compartmentalizing?

People still make movies with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.

Especially Jared Leto.

People that old that do this sh!t are usually mentally off somehow. Like schizophrenia level off.

wasn’t the original plan for him to go to Europe for “rehab” but then changed it to Arizona. Either he was warned not to leave the country or for some reason couldn’t go.

I LOVED Philipe Candolaro.

Deleted. Not sure I can post a paranormal video from a random Youtuber.

He also started shit with Lily Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman on the set of I Heart Huckabees.

Just pointing out for anyone who cares....Project Runway has been produced by Weinnerstein since it began. I used to love it but now that I know he’s associated with it I can’t watch. It also makes me wonder about whether or not Heidi has seen his bathrobe.

Be glad he’s saying it, its an admission of guilt. He’ll probably deny the felony rapes though.

Why is this not starred more? Even Melania doesn’t really look like Melania.

I think plastic surgery has made the squint worse. Plus she could have some of the same genetic make up as Renee Zellweger.

I don’t think they were fired. They’re military, they were given other jobs away from patients.

Hence his hashtag NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) a group of men who “love” underage boys.

As noted above, and as much as I love her take down of Woods, his rant isn’t so much about age difference as it homophobic.

Nah, he’ll get on twitter and call her fat.

It’s not even not understanding. People that think like that believe poor people just aren’t trying hard enough. They think fat people have no self control. Its infuriating.

Likely he doesn’t know which states he lost in because in his mind he won all of them, thats why he’s president.