why hasn't anyone posted the photo?
okay, here's another one...the OVER use of "fabulous" or "amazing"...the hyperbolic use of these words in everyday language like..."this (insert a banal activity) is fabulous" or "my oatmeal is amazing" drives me nuts.
I loathe the use of "back in the day"...
@dcdulce: I keep this person on FB because she reminds me what self-loathing looks like.
@dripdrop: oh how about this one from a BLACK female : LXXXXX People have such low self-esteem that they need a crooked black man in office to feel validated and self-affirmed. God bless America!
does that mean Callie is single?
@Extraordinary_supergoddess: I was at the parking garage yesterday and the attendant saw my obama button. She asked me if I voted, I said yes and asked her if she did. She hesitated and said "I can't, I'm a not a citizen". I looked at her and told her, "that's okay, I voted for you". She got teary eyed and said…
Rest in Peace, Toot...you've done well
seriously? Kirsten, Seriously?
Hey McCain!..it's Family First!
you mean that's not his normal attire?
someone will PAY for this..
That made my little "older women gay icon" lovin' heart burst with joy!