
Sorry to sound insensitive, but good for him. He did what he had to in order to get the job he wanted. He went out of the box.
If you are saying now he got the job based on false pretenses then you are also saying that Marvel hired because of race. Can’t have it both ways folks.

It’s a bit manipulative to start article by placing Cebulski, whose actions may be questionable, but didn’t actually hurt anybody, alongside with sexual predators, who did cause harm to other people. I don’t think this whole situation warrants a serious response.

Eleven hated Max because Mike changed her life. Or it’s a misogynist trope about toxic femininity. You decide which is more reasonable.

You’d think a 13 year old girl who’s been raised in a laboratory and spent the entire previous year locked in a cabin in the woods would behave rationally in that situation!

i couldn’t agree more. The writer just like a lot of people today just has no patience and wants things RIGHT NOW!!!! Max was being slowly introduced and you just know that in season 3 her role will be much bigger.

I couldn’t disagree more with this. Max joins them in trick-or-treating, because even though she has absorbed Billy’s personality a bit, she wants friends. Her blunt refusal to say something, and then jumping into the group is her way of trying to cope with it, of being involved and not saying she is a part of the

I think she’s hinting without actually saying it that only women can safely present such things because males are inherently perverted and abusive. Double standard du jour.

It could also be related to the fact that this sexual experience is filtered through the gaze of a middle aged dude, which is not what many people would consider ideal for depictions of pre-adolescent sexuality.